1. Should I Have Used Hugo Instead of Pelican?

    Shortly after I finished transitioning to Pelican, I started to do some research about what the most popular static site generators are. Normally, I would advise doing this the other way around, but my main reason for the shift was familiarity with Pelican combined with a desire to write more …

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  2. Transition to Pelican, Part 2

    It's been almost two weeks since transitioning this site over to Pelican, and I have some thoughts about the experience so far.

    First of all, it's way easier to write new posts this way, though if you read my last post you'd already know that. Check the blog tag for …

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  3. Transition to Pelican

    In my last post in the tech blog, I talked about how blogging tech is hard, and generally whined about how I managed my site for way too long. My conclusion was that it was my own fault and I should do better. Eventually, I implemented the changes I had …

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  4. Blogging is Hard.

    Update (2022-08-23): This post was written long before I started using Pelican, and the entire post was originally shown via the desktop site. If you see mentions of the technology showing this post/blog and you want the full experience of what that looked like (and you're on a desktop …

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