
We eat every day. It seems obvious, but really think about that. Eating is part of the human experience. For nearly literally all of us.

With this in mind, I really love to cook. Sometimes there's nothing more satisfying than readying a new chili, making burritos, preparing a good steak dinner, experimenting with pasta, or even just preparing a unique salad. It's a huge world.

This isn't the most intelligent part of this site.

I'm not a cook. I'm not. I'd get all sorts of food in my keyboard, since I'd almost certainly set my workstation up in the kitchen if I ever became a cook. It's just how I work. That doesn't mean I don't love it, and it doesn't mean I'm not going to write about it, but I'd make a really poor professional chef. Algorithm-generated meals don't sound too appealing to me, and it's almost certainly one of the first things I would do to speed up production time.

With all of this said, don't expect professional level advice or insight, I'm just another guy who eats food every day writing about some notable instances of food that comes out really well, or really poorly. If this has you interested, go ahead and pull up the Food Blog window again, and take a look!

I will see you there, my fellow food-eating people!

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