1. Android Studio is a Disaster.

    Android Studio is a great example of what not to do when building a development environment for a device.

    To be clear, they get some things right, but by and large the whole system is kind of bad, and encourages experimentation while simultaneously punishing it.

    A Good Toolchain

    Before I …

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  2. Rust in the Kernel: Is It an Issue?

    Starting this one with another disclaimer, I'm not a Linux kernel developer (though I have worked on kernels before) and my knowledge of Rust mainly lies in application programming. If that's a deal breaker for you, skip this one. If it's not and you want to hear yet another random …

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  3. The Case for Tiny Software

    Quick disclaimer before getting too far, this article is targeted at a slightly less technical audience than usual, so if I'm explaining a lot of (what you consider to be) basic stuff, that's why.

    Today's world is filled with "Apps" which run on "Phones". Let's just think about this for …

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  4. Code Style and How to Write for Reading

    Recently I was browsing through YouTube, and it kept suggesting this video about programming mistakes, with one of those paper-cutout like CG thumbnails. My first impression was that it was one of those "let me show you how to code" videos, like so many of YouTube's suggestions to me are …

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